Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer Mentorship Component

1. My Hours
2. Southern California Animal Hospital: (626)330-4558
3. Some questions I had:

  • Were sick animals treated differently than animals that came to the hospital for a different reason?
  • Did certain animals act differently after staying in the kennels for more than one day? One week?
  • Did the animals recognize me or did they have a different reaction the next time I came?
  • How many pets were they able to accommodate at one time?
4. I learned a lot about how to take care of the animals, and the difference between owning a cat and a dog. I learned the basics of doing surgery on dogs and cats, and I learned the basics of taking care of them.
5. My senior topic is going to be animal care and behavior. When I went to my mentorship, I realized I was more interested in taking care of the animals and being hands-on with them than I was in watching a surgery, or doing checks-ups. I would like to get into the psychology of animals, and will be taking a class on this certain topic during my senior year.

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