Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Exit Interview

1. What is your essential question, and what is your best answer and why?
A. My essential question is "How can a therapist aid their clients in overcoming actions and behaviors that led them to counseling?" and my best answer is case conceptualization and treatment planner. This is my best answer because it is the most basic part of counseling, and it helps the client in more ways than any of my other answers.

2. What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
A. At first, while researching answers for another essential question, I never came across this answer. However, after talking with the senior teachers about fixing my essential question, I asked my mentor due to my confusion about my essential question. She opened my eyes to this, and constantly tells me that is the most basic part of a therapist's job and helping clients. After she told me, I did research and found many articles and multiple journals written on this topic. These helped me understand more about case conceptualization. I realized that case conceptualization and treatment planning is mostly used with CBT, and that is what I started to form my senior project on.

3. What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?
A. One problem that I faced was time spent with my mentor. We were both very busy, and the only time I could ever really meet with her was over the phone. To resolve this, I decided to pick up another mentorship. I started volunteering at Wescove Daycare in West Covina, and my second mentor is Rita. Wesove Daycare helps my topic and essential question because we are constantly doing activities and games that a therapist would do in their office to help a child. Instead, we are teaching them lessons. I still contact my first mentor, Vivian Alvarez, to help me with any questions I have with my senior topic.

4. What are the two significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?

Cully, Jefferey. Teten, Andra. "A Therapist's Guide to Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy." Web. 15 Jan 2015.

This journal was important because it covered cognitive behavioral therapy, along with my best answer, and also the practice of psychology and counseling. It also went over therapists and their behavior towards clients, and how they impact them.

Jongsma, Arthur E. "The Adolescent Psychotherapy Treatment Planner." Practice Problems. 2006.

When one of the psychologists I interviewed, Dr. Guy, lended this book to me, I found it was very important because it was a case conceptualization and a treatment planner in one. It had many examples, and opened my view on counseling.

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